MKMMA week 16 The Fountain of Power

Feeling… The Fountain Head of Power

As we move through week 16 all the linking we have been learning to do continues to make more since. Changing the blue print has become more real and doable. My life is making major fundamental shifts. The flames of dissatisfaction that push, motivate and even propel my spirit to become better than I am continue to build momentum.

Reading Haanel each week the lessons seem to compound and get stronger. It is also true that I am getting stronger much stronger. This experience is nothing short of incredible.   Some of the teaching this week is new. Much of it is stuff we have covered before and yet differently framed and developed. Throughout this class we have been learning to work with vitality and feeling in thoughts. This week Haanel states how vitality depends upon the feeling with which the thought is impregnated. He states that if the thought possesses vitality it will have life, grow, develop and expand. It will attract to itself everything necessary for development. If a thought is destructive it will die but in the process it will bring sickness, disease and every other form of discord. Haanel says 9 words that changed everything for me in #24 “It is neither good or bad, it simply is”. He goes on to say good and evil are simply words to indicate the results of our actions, which are predetermined by the character of our thoughts. BAM!! My whole world changed. I don’t have to feel bad or judge myself or anyone else harshly. I can truly forgive and let go. It is all about thought and learning how to use it. Most of us have not been taught these skills. As we learn them the results become very obvious.  My example is the kindness exercise this week. It has been so much fun to watch the irresistible combo of thought and feeling directed by the will develop into such a unified expression of kindness.

MKMMA Week 15 Insight I Love You!

All the reading in the master key this week is of course wonderful. I love the way it keeps linking and building upon so many of the subjects we have already read about. These subjects feel like very dear and loving friends. The new subject that has my attention right now is insight. Insight is exercised to examine facts and conditions at long range like a telescope. With insight we are able to understand difficulties and possibilities so we can prepare or set the stage for our success. All right that sounds wonderful. However, I must share a known fact that knowledge simply does not apply itself. Once again this week I found myself hanging on to some of my familiar old blueprint complete with peptides and all. I could see it and I knew better. I found myself sitting and focusing on insight as directed. When I did this insight drew in the lessons and the readings from the last 15 weeks. I allowed that burning flame to irritate my spirit to be more. In fact I celebrated it. When I take the time to focus on how far I have come the tools just come to me. I look at the hard reality that permanent strength is attained exactly to the extent of the effort required to overcome difficulties.  We have to give up the old before we can receive the new.  I allow myself to impregnate these thoughts with love and to feel the vitality. I know the law of love brings what is needed for growth. I also know that the law of attraction is the law of love. So here we go insight clearly exposes the conscious effort needed for the desired results. Now it comes down to conviction, raw determination and the 7 laws of mind. I would rather grow to be a mountain than shrink to a grain of sand.


MKMMA Week 14 Movie / Links


I watched an old friend of mine, the movie Cool Running’s this week plus the movies October Sky and Rudy. The assignment the way I understood it, was to teach something about how the movies or characters in the movies relate to Definite Major Purpose, Positive Mental Attitude, Plan of Action and the Mastermind Alliance.

It is pretty easy to identify the DMP, PMA, POA and MMA in each of these movies. I am going to share my experiences this week of linking these characteristics with the movies, our readings and our exercises. It is my hope that this process will function as a teaching experience even if your experiences are quite different than mine.

I found myself really looking at the subject of harmony without real clarity. I went to the dictionary and all I could see was my old thoughts of harmony as everyone and everything getting along perfectly and without conflict. This did not feel true. I knew there had to be so much more to the word and the concept. I brought the subject into my sit with an open mind. Bam! … I had a sit that changed it all. The harmony I was looking for was harmony with self and with source. Now the following words from the dictionary and thesaurus: evenly balanced, congruent, agreement in action and idea as well as the phrase conforming blending unity, that I could not see before made sense. My next natural progression was to link all of these movie hero’s to all of our studies. Each DMP, PMA, POA and MMA I can clearly see and feel at a deep level. By linking the cards, the reads, the 7 laws of mind and the acute awareness of the miracle I am with the inspiration of our hero’s and their personal harmony, I can better direct my predominate thoughts for my own personal harmony!  I clearly see the unlimited power of this harmony and how to build more of it. It is my sincere hope that sharing my experience of this assignment will in some way be a positive contribution to your experience of this work. For me the movies tied everything together so beautifully. The word harmony is so much richer than I ever imagined. As always I feel so blessed after another week of MKMMA.


MKMMA Week 13 Huge Progress / Wiped Out


Here we are 2 days after Christmas. I have gone here and dealt with this potentially negative person and or situation. I have gone over there and done the same thing. I did my absolute best to really feel and be love in every situation.  That also meant being love to me no matter what anyone else did. All the weeks of work with MKMMA have really paid off. I attribute that to really working hard on myself after the big triggering I received at Thanksgiving. I know that I know that I did my best. We are half way through the class and I am so aware of how far I have come. Oh I know there is much work to come and some might not be as easy as I would like. Growth seems to be like that. Today I am bone tired, quiet and completely wiped out.  I have spent the day resting, regenerating my health, being happy and appreciating the changes I have been making to my life. Yes my blog is late. I have not made all my reading commitments for today and I still feel wonderful and tuned into the work. For me is this moment it is time to do one more round reading and affirming exercises, a sit and hopefully a movie from the list. I hope you had a wonderful holiday and thank you for doing this work with me.


MKMMA week 12 My Holiday Gift!

In doing this work it is easy to get very excited every time I feel like I successfully took two steps forward. This week I once again became acutely aware of what a blessing taking the one step backwards can be. I have found that every time I think I fail or become aware of hidden seemingly innocent and negative or victim thoughts and energy I am at a serious cross roads. In one direction I can continue as I am and get the same results in life. I choose the other direction and to go ahead and feel the pain and disappointment just long enough to build a strong awareness and conviction of what I want. From our lessons and readings I realize that I can use my intention to govern where I put my attention. BAM! I have the raw determination and the knowing of the power that I have developed to focus thought and with practice I turn it into love. Wow we read about the law of attraction is the law of love. Knowing that thought impregnated with love becomes invincible, I focus and center my mental force allowing my subconscious to accept the idea and make it so. Taking that step backwards propels me forward with more force than I ever imagined. What a joy what a celebration. I cannot think of a better gift to give myself for the holiday season. Thank you to source and thank you to all of us at MKMMA!  


MKMMA week 11 The BIG P !!!

Putting my awareness and focus on persistence this week has been nothing short of miraculous. I now have expanded awareness of what it truly is and how instrumental it is to my ability to grow and manifest who I am becoming. For me the subject of persistence has always had many mixed feelings and judgments. Some were positive and many very negative. For the first time in my life I understand I have control over it. I am using it to manifest new realities and part of that is to process through some old ones that no longer serve me.

The biggest way this showed up this week was in the assigned readings.  The Master Key reading was very hard for me to understand. The language was just plain difficult for me.  Knowing it was important and that I wanted and needed to understand added pressure. I recorded my voice, reading each line twice with the best feeling I could imagine. I listened to it several times and slowly it unfolded in a way I could fully appreciate. I had also been struggling with certain parts of scroll # 3 of the Greatest Salesman in the World. It kept showing up in my head that he was saying we need to do a lot of suffering to be successful. With persistence I was eventually able to find my own perspective. I mean after all I am a Lion! I then began to clearly see how persistence is shaping my thoughts and even my ability to think.  I started linking everything together: the thinking, the sitting, the reading, the affirmations and my experiences with the secret place of the most high where everything is possible. I never thought I had this kind of persistence or was capable of it. I am so glad I was wrong. I now love persistence.  It has become my closest friend, and ally.

MKMMA Week 10 Crash and Burn Thank You!

MKMMA Week 10 Crash and Burn Thank You!

Lowering my self-assessment test score by 10 points in 9 weeks is a great accomplishment, however, for me there is nothing like a family holiday to really check my progress.

OK, I had hoped to make a great change in how family dynamics affected me and how I affected them. Please understand I love my family very much. I found some of the dynamics were much better. I also found that eventually I started to break down. I watched old patterns and thoughts come up. I watched myself becoming infected and eager to remove myself from the situation.

On the long drive home I was exhausted and even cranky. I hung out in that misery for the best part of a day. I kept doing our Master Key work as best I could. Finally I came to realize there was something about what I was feeling that was so familiar and almost felt good in a weird sort of way. Then, BAM! It came to me these were the peptides we learned about. I came to realize that I was battling for my life and by simply being aware of it I was winning. OMG this feels very good. It motivates me to dig in even deeper. I know the truth and the truth prevails.

It has taken several days but this experience has lead me to a very personal Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for this class and this realization. I am really doing this and clearly changing how I vibrate in this world.

I am renewed in my commitment. My concentration and my ability to link are stronger that ever. I am seeing and feeling more clearly and with more charge than I ever imagined. The secret place of the most high is my inspiration.

Week 9 MKMMA Love Is My Shield


After spending 2 weeks working with the mental diet and receiving mixed results, I came to realize something big had to shift in me. I became acutely aware of how much negative thought I had and how it seemingly affects everything in my life.  Og writes “Love is my shield to repulse the arrows of hate and the spears of anger.” Yikes the arrows of hate and spears of anger were coming to me by me. I realized I needed the shied to protect me from me.  This became a clear truth for me and of course the knowing that my thinking is cause and the results showed up everywhere. I am so thankful I have had the incredible readings and lessons for week 9. Week 9 has been the most powerful week for me. So many things have come together in such powerful ways. I am doing the work and using the tools. I am truly changing at the core level of my thinking and my results. I know now I can and will master the mental diet and be forever changed.

In the shield I am held and comforted. I know that I must take care of loving myself first before I can love others enough to melt their hearts etc. I am learning to say I love you to myself and have it shine in my eyes, unwrinkled my brow, bring a smile to my lips and an echo to my voice. This truly has been a Thanksgiving week.

MKMMA Week 8 The Bliss Of Failure

MKMMA Week 8 The Bliss of failure


Honestly the 7-day diet is kicking my butt. Last week it seemed like a huge challenge but it seemed doable. I was mostly focused on major blow-ups or being upset or angry. This week I became acutely aware of just how negative many of my normal thoughts are. I am amazed. It seems most of my thoughts have some sort of negative aspect or judgment. I love the 7-second rule and my new skills of the laws of mind especially substitution. I am so thankful to be making these changes. I see how I have created many of the less than charming or wonderful situations in my life. I have not yet made it very long on my mental diet without starting over.  I do however feel like a huge winner for becoming more aware and doing my absolute best to make positive change. I am learning and exploring how to lovingly endure sadness and to welcome obstacles with out going to negative feelings. Yes, I know the key is love and certainly where I try to go within 7 seconds.  I have not always mastered it but the changes I see in me bring me to my knees in gratitude. I am working toward my perfect balances. I love all the readings and exercises. I am now using my imagination to see and feel who I am on purpose becoming. I am learning to better use the God energy that flows through me. This is the same energy that flows through all of us. I am seeing how it has been used to imagine and create in the past and how I can use it today. The big exercise for me right now is practice, practice, practice, R2A2 and then practice some more. The bottom line is when I look in the mirror I like what I see and I am proud of the work I am doing. I am so blessed!

MKMMA Week 7 Digging in Deeper

As I do this work week after week I find myself going deeper and deeper. I am finding areas where it seems like I have just scratched the surface of knowing what is going on with my thinking or sometimes the lack of it. Now, I know I have done a lot more than scratch the surface in some of these areas. Oh… that old blueprint… at times it can be so wounded. It would love to bleed all over me if I was willing to allow it to.

Ahh … I am learning to control my focus.  My old patterns of allowing thinking and focus to drift are just not good enough. This does not mean that the focus I want comes easily or knowing what I actually want to focus on comes easily either. I am learning to ask myself questions like: How do these changes and choices in focus feel? What do they look like? How do I get into the how and the now of where I want to focus? How do I build the intentional emotion and feeling? I am finding that yes; it is all about practice and then more practice. This is truly the place of self-discovery. Sometimes thoughts and feelings come up that force me to look at my opinions and beliefs …. I mean really look deep. Sometimes I have to sit. Sometimes I just focus on love. Sometimes I choose what feels best and  practice, practice and practice.

The awesome gift of this of this work is being able to  see what is going on for me at a deeper level every week.  I am loving the feeling of constantly pulling off another layer off the onion.