After spending 2 weeks working with the mental diet and receiving mixed results, I came to realize something big had to shift in me. I became acutely aware of how much negative thought I had and how it seemingly affects everything in my life.  Og writes “Love is my shield to repulse the arrows of hate and the spears of anger.” Yikes the arrows of hate and spears of anger were coming to me by me. I realized I needed the shied to protect me from me.  This became a clear truth for me and of course the knowing that my thinking is cause and the results showed up everywhere. I am so thankful I have had the incredible readings and lessons for week 9. Week 9 has been the most powerful week for me. So many things have come together in such powerful ways. I am doing the work and using the tools. I am truly changing at the core level of my thinking and my results. I know now I can and will master the mental diet and be forever changed.

In the shield I am held and comforted. I know that I must take care of loving myself first before I can love others enough to melt their hearts etc. I am learning to say I love you to myself and have it shine in my eyes, unwrinkled my brow, bring a smile to my lips and an echo to my voice. This truly has been a Thanksgiving week.